Wednesday, March 27, 2019

First miles

We launched today around 11:00.  Said bye-for-now to friends we stayed with last night, adios to realtor, ran last errands then realized "wow, we can hit the road".  It is a day ahead of our original planned schedule, so we figured we would just get rolling and do a few miles -- to start breaking in our butts for many hours on the road.

Departed San Mateo in the pouring rain, drove about 90 miles and stopped here in Monterey.  Took a lovely walk of a few miles down to the harbor and back, on a bike / foot path that runs along the old railroad track right of way.  There are some subtle clue that the tracks haven't been used for a long time.

The old rails and path led along the coastal dunes.  We took a side exit off the path through the dunes, leading to a beautiful view of Monterey Bay.

And a selfie of happy travelers -- taken under a highway overpass we ducked into to get out of a bit of rain.


  1. Woohoo!! What a great way to start this new chapter :) I always wonder, when I see cars here that have license plates from the East coast, "Did they REALLY drive all the way over here?" And now it will be you two and your CA plates that some random person is thinking about as you make your way across the US. Have fun!!

  2. Hi Kelly! Glad to be on the road, and trip has been terrific so far. CA plates aren't exotic yet (500 miles into trip) but I guess they will be at some point. Maybe when we cross the Mississippi?
